Saturday, 24 April 2010

Art-quake in Chile

In Santiago we stayed at what is commonly referred to as ´a party hostel´ on Trip Advisor and other such travel forums. This is basically a succinct term for ´place with a bed that you won´t end up sleeping in because everybody is getting rat arsed till all hours of the small morning and so are you´. Despite the inevitable lie-ins that ensued , we did manage to explore some of Santiago´s more interesting sights. These photos were taken in quite a ramshackle neighbourhood called Bellavista. It was uncertain whether everything was falling down because of the recent earthquake in Concepcion, just south of the city, but the disrepair seemed to date back much further than a few weeks. The only thing that prevented Bellavista from being just a load of once beautiful colonial buildings was it´s abundance of imaginative graffiti. The eathquake damage in Santiago wasn´t as dramatic as we´d expected. Some of the museums and galleries we tried to visit were part closed for essential repairs but there were no giant cracks and craters in the road like in that film ´Tremors´. ¨How disappointing¨, we huffed, before turning on our heels in disgust and seeking out a more disaster-stricken location.

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