Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Long and Winding Road (insert your own drumbeats)

We finally got our act together, bit the bullet and got on the bus from Argentina to Chile. Everyone we met told us to go during the day so that we could appreciate the beautiful mountainscapes en route to Santiago, so this is what we did. Take a look at this improbably bendy road! Have you ever seen the like of it before? Remarkable. If we happened to get bored of looking at The Nature we could always resort to the on board bargain basement dvd entertainment - a schmaltzy but surprisingly diverting Jack Nicholson number and a Vin Diesel atrocity that you can only imagine was produced as an instrument of torture. The uncaptivating film proved to be the least of our worries when we arrived at the Argentina/Chile border and had to dispense with all our edibles on the advice of an eccentric Chilean woman who had clearly been stitched up by the border officials in the past. Not wishing to be issued with a hefty fine, our delicious sweets and crackers went in the bin. Better safe than sorry, we thought. Some other mental broad on the same bus as us obviously thought the gigantic signs reading ´No dairy products´ (in Spanish) were some kind of elaborate and late April Fool. Everyone stared daggers at the meddling cheese bandit as she attempted to smuggle what appeared to be seven kilos of Gouda over the border, arguing the toss as she went.

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